Zoe Freedom & Prophetic Resources


Welcome to Zoe Freedom & Prophetic Resources!


Zoe Freedom & Prophetic Resources is an official charity registered with the Office of Scotland Charity Regulator – Charity no SCO53446



We are here to both communicate and demonstrate the heart of God, while building bridges that reach into lives and communities with solutions and resources that are practical, that provide aid, and which also address root issues that lead to poverty, loss of wellbeing and social/life issues.

Zoe is an ancient Greek word that essentially means ‘life’.  It’s the fullness of life that God intended us to have, as He Himself has it.  This word is found in the scripture John 10:10 (Amplified Version) in which Jesus states, “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance to the full, till it overflows.”   We want to help you step into your best life!  S



We provide prophetic mentoring, coaching, and training to prepare and equip those stepping into their leadership call, ministry and mission.  Group sessions are advertised when available.  For enquiries about 1-1 coaching appointments, please email info@zoefreedomprophetic.com 

We  particularly  love to work with those preparing to step in their call and ministry, and who are ‘in process’ and coming into greater freedom by dealing with a range of issues that are barriers to walking in the fullness of  their call.  This can include addressing root causes of  a range of issues including addictions, grief, depression, anxiety, and self-sabotaging thinking and behaviours.

We also love to communicate prophetically what God is saying, so that people can be freed to walk in the fullness of relationship with Him, and His will and calling for their lives.

We will be continuing to update this website with upcoming programmes and opportunities (whether online or in-person). In the meantime, if you would like to talk to us about how we can serve, you, please reach out to us using the email link below.



We seek to provide a range of initiatives that reach out to people in need of aid, and with solutions for change in lives and communities.  We are currently in the process of applying for registration with the Office of Scotland Charity Regulator.

Current projects include:

  • Bundles of Joy & Bundles of Bliss:  A fund to provide essentials packages and aid for newborns and families in Scotland experiencing difficult circumstances.
  • Treasured and Sustained: A fund to provide essentials packages and aid for older people in Scotland experiencing difficulties resulting from issues such as ill health, disability and financial hardship/poverty.
  • Future initiatives also include programmes and solutions for supporting people in Scotland to overcome issues such as addictions, depression, anxiety, grief, financial hardship and poverty, and our initiatives may also extend to wider UK.



If you would like to give into any of these areas, we would be grateful for support to achieve our purposes –  this can be done by electronic bank transfer using the following details:

Zoe Freedom & Prophetic Resources – Sort Code 30-99-50 Account no 38291763

If you would like to give into a particular aspect/project, please state this in the reference (e.g. ‘Bundles’, ‘Treasured’, ‘Programmes’, ‘Proph mentoring’). Please email us at info@zoefreedomprophetic.com if you would like a receipt.   

All funds raised from training and mentoring will support our charitable and community projects and the running of the ministry.

We are pleased to be in the process of applying for charitable status with the Office of Scotland Charity Regulator, and upon successful registration will be applying for gift aid status, enabling gift aid to be claimed for previous/future donations.



If you have had a dream you know is significant but need revelation on its meaning, reach out to our prophetic Dream Team at info@zoefreedomprophetic.com  

Please put ‘Dream’ in the header along with a concise summary in the email.  All interpretations will be written. Please allow approximately a 2-3 week turnaround. There is no charge for this service, however we do ask that you consider making a donation to the work of this ministry (see above).

From time to time we will run prophetic dream interpretation training – watch this space. 



upcoming events



Prophetic Mentoring 24th June,  1st July & 8th July 2024 7pm – 9pm

Book via eventbrite:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/reject-rejectedness-move-ahead-in-your-call-tickets-913976066017?aff=oddtdtcreator



kerry eyre mcgoldrick


Diploma in Ministry Development, Bachelor of Social Work

Kerry lives Scotland, where she practices social work, having also practiced in wider UK since 2009, and has an extensive history of  having worked  across a range of fields including addictions rehabilitation,  prison rehabilitation, mental health, older peoples and adults teams.

Kerry initially completed her ministry diploma in New Zealand, and has also completed ministry training  in UK, including training with Invictus Prophetic Global,  and Global Prophetic Alliance.  Kerry seeks to communicate the heart of God to society,  and create resources that offer solutions to social issues  that affect  society today, while training and equipping others to rise up in their own call and do the same.


Our trustees provide governance and oversight of Zoe Freedom and Prophetic Resources. Our team of trustees include:

Kerry McGoldrick

Kaytee Stewart

Jenny Homewood

Ali Davis



Please reach out by email at info@zoefreedomprophetic.com 

Follow our Facebook page at  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61555750685688





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Zoe Freedom & Prophetic Resources is an official charity registered with the Office of Scotland Charity Regulator – Charity no SCO53446